This end user license agreement constitutes a legal agreement between you (the licensee), or your company (or whatever you represent) and Andreu Balius / Typerepublic (Riu, 2. Son - Alt Àneu. 25589, Lleida. Spain), and is applicable to the fonts (Font Software) you have ordered from us.
This non-exclusive end user license grants you to use the Font Software for your own personal or internal business purposes according to the terms of this agreement.
By purchasing and installing Typerepublic Font Software, you agree on all the terms specified within this End User License Agreement (EULA):
Typerepublic is the Licensor, the trading brand of Andreu Balius.
You or End User or the Licensee are defined as and refer to a customer who has purchased a license to use the Font Software.
Font Software is defined as the designs of the font(s) downloaded from this website and identified on your sales receipt or invoice, which when installed on the appropriate generates a particular font.
Invoice or Receipt means the electronic document you will receive as confirmation of the Font Software purchased.
- Licence to fonts
- These General Conditions apply to all the types of licence identified in the Special Conditions of Licence.
- It is excluded from this EULA the use of the fonts in Television broadcasting and movies . In those cases a specific licence is required.
- Rights of use.
- By purchasing the license you only acquires the right to use the Font Software under a particular set of conditions. This right of use is conditional upon your acceptance of the terms specified in this EULA.
- Intellectual property and copyright.
- Digital files installed to your computer contain Font Software that is the intellectual property of the font’s respective designer, represented herein by Typerepublic, that owns the rights for distribution and reserves all rights to intellectual property.
- Font Software is protected by copyright and subject to the laws of the European Union, international treaties and the applicable laws of the country in which they are to be used. You agree to identify Typerepublic fonts by name and credit Typerepublic’s ownership of the trademarks and copyrights in any design or production credits.
- You are not authorized to sublicense, sell, rent, lend, lease, transfer or give away the Font Software to another person or entity. Back-up copies of the Font Software is only allowed for exclusive archival purposes, provided you retain exclusive care and control over such copies.
- You may create outline artworks based upon the Fonts for personal or business use. But derivative work created from Typerepublic font software is not permitted.
- Modifying the fonts and using the resulting product for commercial purposes is absolutely forbidden. The use of any font editor software or any attempt to modify the Font Software for the purposes of creating a usable, derivative or substitute version of the Font Software is prohibited.
- You agree not to commission or authorize any third party to undertake modifications to the Font Software without prior written consent from us. However, if explicit authorization is made, the modified Font Software will be considered as derivative work and the use of derivative work is subject to the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
- This license excludes the use of the fonts to create products derived from the alphabet itself, such as house numbers, adhesive letters, transferable letters or decals, stencil templates or other methods for the manufacture of such products. Any of the uses mentioned in this paragraph shall require a separate license from us.
- Conditions of use
- Embedding of Font Software into documents or internet pages is only permitted in a secured print/read-only mode. Editing and modifying content should not be allowed. You must ensure that recipients of such documents or internet pages cannot extract the Font software or use the embedded font software for editing purposes or for the creation of new documents. Embedding of font software is only allowed if proper license is acquired.
- You are not authorized to convert, alter or modify the Font Software in any manner whatsoever. You are not authorized, for instance, to rename, modify, reverse engineer, translate, decompile Typerepublic Font Software. Also, converting the font files to any other font format, including, but not limited to, .woff .svg .eot .ttf, for their use as web fonts, is not allowed. A separate Web Font license should be purchased for this purpose.
- The fonts may not be made available to the public or altered in order to add features that they did not originally have and they may not be rented, leased, sublicensed or copied. However, a backup of the software that enables the fonts might be made and should be destroyed at the end of this Agreement.
- Warranties and Limitations
- Typerepublic warrants that the Font Software, whatever the format is, will perform in accordance with the specifications published by Typerepublic. Damaged or defective font software can be replaced when accompanied by the valid sales receipt and the user license number within 30 day period after purchasing.
- Typerepublic shall be limited to the replacement of the Font Software or the refund of the license fee. Typerepublic shall in no event be liable to the licensed user or any other third party for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, arising out of the use or inability to use the product even if notified in advance. Under no circumstances shall Typerepublic’s liability exceed the replacement cost of the Font Software.
- Acknowledgement
- Typerepublic thanks you for licensing font software. This is the only way to get some compensation according to the amount of time and energy that a new type design entails. For further info, please contact:
Desktop Fonts specifications
- This license is for the benefit of a single user only. You may install and use Typerepublic font software on a total of not more than two computers (e.g. main working computer and a laptop). In case additional user or installation is required, a multiple license should be acquired.
- You are permitted to make a temporary copy of the Font Software for use by a commercial printer or service bureau solely for use in the production of your own materials. Afterwards, the printer or service bureau must destroy the copies of the Font Software. You agree to use reasonable measures to protect the Fonts from access and use by unlicensed third-parties.
Web Fonts specifications
- The Web Fonts are licensed for one individual or entity. Licensed Web Font may be used on any web site owned/controlled by the licensee. Web designers or advertising agencies, for instance, may not use the licensed Web Font for benefit of multiple clients. Each user of Web Font Software must purchase a license that is proper for their uses.
- A ‘page view’ is one request for the viewing of a page of your website. The average monthly traffic (the number of monthly visits per page) of your website should not exceed the amount of licensed page views specified in the receipt you received for the Licensed Web Font. If it does, you must purchase a license upgrade for the increased page view amount.
- You must use the fonts exclusively on the number of licensed websites with the sole purpose of HTML webpage design using @font-face in CSS files. You agree to ensure the Web Fonts are available only for the process of styling text on your website. You agree to prevent unlicensed third-party access to the Font Software. Direct downloading of Font Software from your web site or web server is strictly prohibited.
Application (App) Fonts specifications
- The App Font Software is intended to be used on a mobile application software designed to run and function on Android, iOS, Windows Phone and any other mobile device operating system.
- The App Fonts are licensed for one individual or entity. The App Font Software may be embedded in the number of applications previously specified when purchasing license and identified in your receipt.
- A single App Font Software license covers its use in an equivalent application that is intended to work in multiple mobile operating systems. An App Font cannot be used as a tool or resource for third parties to create customized products or documents. You agree to protect the App Font Software from access and use by unlicensed third-parties.
ePub Fonts specifications
- The ePUB must be a non-executable file that can be viewed using eBook reader software or electronic reading devices. The Font Software should not be installed on the operating system that runs the electronic publication.
- You are permitted to embed the Font Software into electronic publications. The number of eBooks into which the Font Software may be embedded may not exceed the number of units licensed and identified in your receipt. Each title of an ePUB is considered to be a separate publication.
- The Font Software must be securely embedded within a file format, such as PDF, EPUB and KF8, that protects the Font Software by means of encryption.
Server Fonts specifications
- Font software may be installed on accessible servers for remote users on the maximum number of Licensed Servers indicated in the licensee account or purchase invoice.
- Remote server users should accept the end user agreement which expressly restricts the right of such server user to use the font to create, modify or edit a document outside the licensed server. Remote server users are not allowed to download the font data or use them outside, and in all cases for strictly internal use in order to create embedded documents that are not commercial products for their own use.
- The fonts shall be incorporated in an embedded document in such a secure manner that it cannot be extracted from the embedded document.