
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
The Southern Pyrenees flavour
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
Beer Factory
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
Der Blaue Reiter
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
Tallaferro, el valerós comte de Besalú, ha sortit de bon matí a la cacera amb el comte Guifré, son germà, senyor de la Cerdanya, i amb son fill Gentil. Ha resseguit els alts boscatges de Canigó i després de la jornada, a l’hora daurada del sol morent, se’n baixa seguit de patges i escuders per un corriol que els mena a l’ermita de Sant Martí. La suau i plàcida melodia de les lloances a l’Altíssim que l’ermità devotament entona, atreu els passos llurs i, entrant a la capella, ajunten les seves oracions a les del venerable ancià. Gentil, de genolls, a prop de Tallaferro, contempla embadalit la bella imatge de Sant Martí que, damunt l’altar, des del cavall, d’un cop d’espasa mig parteix el seu mantell de brocat per cobrir les espatlles nues d’un pobre mendicant. Encisat per la bella armadura i enardit i pres d’un viu desig, dirigint-se al comte: —Mon pare, voldria ésser cavaller com ell.
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
King Arthur and the Round Table
Taüll Regular
Taüll Regular
King Arthur is a legendary British ruler known for his bravery, wisdom, and the chivalric code of his knights. According to medieval tales, he led Britain against Saxon invaders and ruled from Camelot, his mythical castle. One of the most famous aspects of Arthurian legend is the Round Table, a symbol of equality among his knights. Unlike traditional tables with a head seat for the leader, the Round Table had no hierarchy, ensuring that all knights, including Lancelot, Gawain, and Percival, were treated as equals. They took on noble quests, the most famous being the search for the Holy Grail. Though historians debate Arthur’s existence, his legend has inspired countless stories, films, and books. His legacy endures as a symbol of justice, honor, and the ideals of knighthood.

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  • Taüll Regular

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